OSM Class Schedules
Choose a tab below to see class offerings. Registration and cancellation information is at the bottom of this page.
Required and Recommended Textbooks – Fall 2024
Beginning Student Schedule
Classes available to new students.
- Fall 2024 – September 23, 2024 (Enrollment deadline: August 30th, 2024)
- Winter 2025 – January 6, 2025 (Enrollment deadline: December 13th, 2024)
Program begins quarterly – you may apply at any time:
Welcome to OSM! Beginning students are required to apply and enroll with an Admissions Coordinator. The application process and contact information is located here. In addition to the core and elective classes outlined below, students taking Massage Fundamentals are required to attend 2 additional days:
- Massage Fundamentals requires two additional days: Week 4 and Week 7 of the term.
Class | Hours | Instructor | Location | Dates | Days/Times | Price | Prerequisites |
ABC's of Chinese Medicine - Part A | 30 | Ward | Online | 04/02/2024-06/04/2024 | TU 600-900p | $750 | None |
Anatomy & Physiology 1 | 30 | McLaughlin | Online | 04/03/2024-06/05/2024 | WE 600-900p | $615 | None |
Body-Based Trauma Relief | 4 | Dixon | Online | 05/10/2024 | FR 12-4p | $105 | None |
Communicating with Resonance | 4 | Welton-Miller | Online | 04/10/2024 | Wed 1-5pm | $105 | None |
Communication/Ethics | 30 | Dixon | Portland | 04/01/2024-06/10/2024 | MO 100-400p | $615 | Massage Fund (may be concurrent) |
Communication/Ethics | 30 | McLaughlin | Salem | 04/04/2024-06/06/2024 | TH 900-1200p | $615 | Massage Fund (may be concurrent) |
Craniosacral Therapy Introduction | 15 | Dixon | Portland | 04/12/2024-04/14/2024 | FR 6-9p & SA-SU 10a-5p | $370 | None |
Intro to Aromatherapy | 7 | McBride | Portland | 04/06/2024 | SA 900a-500p | $195 | None |
Massage - Fundamentals | 45 | Feldman | Portland | 04/04/2024-06/06/2024 | TH 9a-12p & SU&SA 4/28 & 5/18 | $1156 | Recom: Concurrent with Comm/Ethics |
Massage - Fundamentals | 45 | Hueller | Salem | 04/03/2024-06/05/2024 | WE 900-12:00p & SU&SA 4/28 & 5/18 | $1156 | Recom: Concurrent with Comm/Ethics |
Massage Basics | No CEs | Feldman | Portland | 05/01/2024-05/15/2024 | Wed 9:30a-12p | $75 | None |
Massage Basics | No CEs | Hueller | Salem | 05/07/2024-05/21/2024 | TU 1:30-4p | $75 | None |
Massage for Eye Strain and Upper Body Tension | 7 | Sinclair | Salem | 05/04/2024-05/04/2024 | SA 9a-5p | $175 | None |
Myofascial Foam Rolling | 7.5 | Dixon | Online | 04/02/2024-04/30/2024 | TU1000-1130a | $190 | None |
Pain and Inflammation | 3 | Dixon | Online | 04/26/2024 | FR 1 - 4p | $85 | None |
Pain and Stress | 3 | Dixon | Online | 05/03/2024 | FR 1-4p | $85 | None |
Qigong Basics | 3 | Dixon | Online | 05/17/2024 | FR 100-400p | $85 | None |
Reflexology for Women's Health | 4 | Davis | Portland | 05/19/2024 | Su 1200-400pm | $115 | None |
Shiatsu I - Short Form (Back) | 30 | Ward | Portland | 04/05/2024-06/07/2024 | FR 600-900p | $615 | AP 1 (concurrent) or LMT |
Tai Chi for Better Balance | 3 | Dixon | Online | 06/07/2024 | FR 100-400p | $85 | None |
Thai Massage - Level I | 16 | Weitzer | Portland | 04/19/2024-04/21/2024 | Fri 6:30-8:30pm; Sat-Sun 9am-5pm | $440 | None |
Core Program Schedule
Class | Hours | Instructor | Location | Dates | Days/Times | Price | Prerequisites |
Advanced Practice Skills Seminar | 6 | Hueller | Online | 09/25/2024-11/27/2024 | WE 9a-12p; 9/25,10/23,11/27 | $135 | Clinic or SF Clinic, Final Quarter Declaration |
Anatomy & Physiology 1 | 30 | McLaughlin | Online | 09/24/2024-11/26/2024 | TU 6-9p | $615 | None |
Anatomy & Physiology 2 | 30 | McLaughlin | Online | 09/23/2024-11/25/2024 | MO 6-9p | $615 | AP 1 |
Business of Massage - Introduction | 15 | Dixon Barry | Salem | 09/25/2024-10/23/2024 | WE 1:30-4:30p | $325 | Mass Up & Low (Shiatsu SF Clinic, Clinic, Massage A&A may be Concurrent) |
Clinic | 45 | Dixon Barry | Salem | 09/26/2024-12/05/2024 | TH 1-5:30p | $900 | Mass Assess/App (concurrent) |
Clinic | 45 | Berg | Portland | 09/24/2024-11/26/2024 | TU 1-5:30p | $900 | Mass Assess/App (concurrent) |
Communication/Ethics | 30 | Dixon | Portland | 09/23/2024-11/25/2024 | MO 1-4p | $615 | Massage Fund (may be concurrent) |
Communication/Ethics | 30 | Dixon Barry | Salem | 09/24/2024-11/26/2024 | TU 1:30-4:30p | $615 | Massage Fund (may be concurrent) |
Hydrotherapy LAB | 12 | Sinclair | Salem | 10/12/2024-10/13/2024 | SA-SU 9-4p | $00 | Mass-Fund, AP 1 (rec: AP 2) Must be taken w/ Hydro LEC |
Hydrotherapy Lecture | 3 | Sinclair | Online | 10/11/2024 | Fri 6-9p | $326 | Mass - Fund., AP I (recommended: APII) Concurrent w 1st massage course |
Kinesiology - Lower Body | 30 | McLaughlin | Salem | 09/26/2024-12/05/2024 | TH 9a-12p | $615 | AP I, Massage Fundamentals |
Kinesiology - Upper Body | 30 | Casey | Portland | 09/24/2024-11/26/2024 | TU 9a-12p | $615 | AP I, Massage - Fundamentals |
Massage - Assessment & Application | 30 | Feldman | Portland | 09/26/2024-12/05/2024 | TH 9a-12p | $615 | Mass/Kines- Up & Low, Hydro, Path 1 |
Massage - Assessment & Application | 30 | Hueller | Salem | 09/25/2024-11/27/2024 | WE 1:30-4:30p | $615 | Mass/Kines- Up & Low, Hydro, Path 1 |
Massage - Fundamentals | 45 | Feldman | Portland | 09/25/2024-11/27/2024 | WE 1:30-4:30p; SA 10/19 & 11/9 | $1156 | Recom: Concurrent with Comm/Ethics |
Massage - Fundamentals | 45 | Hueller | Salem | 09/24/2024-11/26/2024 | TU 9a-12p; SA 10/19 & 11/9 | $1156 | Recom: Concurrent with Comm/Ethics |
Massage - Lower Body | 30 | McLaughlin | Salem | 09/26/2024-12/05/2024 | TH 1:30-4:30p | $615 | Mass Fund., Comm, Kines Lower (may be concurrent) |
Massage - Upper Body | 30 | Casey | Portland | 09/24/2024-11/26/2024 | TU 1-4p | $615 | Mass Fund., Comm, Kines Upper (may be concurrent) |
Massage Theory | 14 | Dixon | Online | 09/26/2024-10/24/2024 | TH 6-9p | $305 | Fundamentals (may be concurrent) |
Palpation Skills | 15 | Feldman | Portland | 08/01/2024-08/29/2024 | TH 9-12p | $326 | Mass/Kines Up & Low (may be taken concurrent w/ 2nd series) |
Palpation Skills | 15 | Feldman | Portland | 09/25/2024-10/23/2024 | WE 9a-12p | $326 | Mass/Kines Up & Low (may be taken concurrent w/ 2nd series) |
Pathology 1 | 30 | Dixon | Online | 09/24/2024-11/26/2024 | TU 1-4p | $615 | AP 1 (recommended: AP 2) |
Pathology 2 | 30 | Dixon | Online | 09/26/2024-12/05/2024 | TH 9:30a-12:30p | $615 | AP1, Path 1(recom:AP 2, AP 3) |
Shiatsu I - Short Form (Back) | 30 | Ward | Portland | 09/23/2024-11/25/2024 | MO 6-9p | $615 | AP 1 (concurrent) or LMT |
Statutes | 6 | Aguayo | Online | 08/19/2024-08/26/2024 | MO 1-4p | $130 | Comm/Ethics, Clinic (may be concurrent) |
Statutes | 6 | Aguayo | Online | 11/18/2024-11/25/2024 | MO 1-4p | $130 | Comm/Ethics, Clinic (may be concurrent) |
Continuing Education/Elective Class Schedule
Printable Version:
Go to the CE Brochure Page – This booklet lists CE, community education and elective class. It includes start dates, events and a selection of class highlights.
***The Deadline to register for CE/Elective classes is 3 days prior to the start date.***
Classes marked with an asterisk * include a minimum of 4 hours of professional ethics, boundaries and/or communication.
Class | Hours | Instructor | Location | Dates | Days/Times | Price | Prerequisites |
ABC's of Chinese Medicine - Part A | 30 | Ward | Online | 09/25/2024-11/27/2024 | WE 6-9p | $750 | None |
Advanced Foam Rolling | 7.5 | Dixon | Online | 07/30/2024-08/27/2024 | TU 10-1130a | $190 | Myofascial Foam Rolling |
Advanced Foam Rolling | 7.5 | Dixon | Online | 10/29/2024-11/26/2024 | TU 10-11:30a | $190 | Myofascial Foam Rolling |
Barefoot Shiatsu Massage | 12 | Ward | Portland | 11/09/2024-11/16/2024 | SA 10a-5p | $370 | None |
Body-Based Trauma Relief | 4 | Dixon | Online | 07/26/2024 | FR 12-4p | $105 | None |
Body-Based Trauma Relief | 4 | Dixon | Online | 10/25/2024 | FR 12-4p | $105 | None |
Building Your Ethical Body | 4 | Dixon | Online | 10/04/2024 | FR 12-4p | $105 | Comm/Ethics or LMT |
Craniosacral Therapy Introduction | 15 | Dixon | Portland | 10/11/2024-10/13/2024 | FR 6-9p; SA&SU 10a-5p | $370 | None |
Cupping Massage: Theory & Application | 6 | Lev, L.Ac. | Portland | 09/24/2024-10/08/2024 | TU 6:15-9:15p | $150 | Mass and Kines Upper&Lower, or LMT |
Foot Reflexology Basics | 7 | Butler | Portland | 08/07/2024-08/08/2024 | WE 6:30-9:30p & TH 5:30-9:30p | $195 | None |
Franklin Method for Shoulder Girdle | 3 | Wesley | Online | 10/26/2024 | Sat 9a-12p | $85 | NONE, Kinesiology recommended, OR LMT |
Franklin Method: Arthrokinematics of Knee | 3 | Wesley | Online | 08/10/2024 | SA 9a-12p | $85 | None, Kines recommended, or LMT |
Franklin Method: Bones & Joints of the Feet | 3 | Wesley | Online | 11/16/2024 | SA 9a-12p | $85 | NONE, Kinesiology recommended, OR LMT |
Franklin: Bones and Joint Movement of the Elbow | 3 | Wesley | Online | 08/18/2024 | SU 9a-12p | $85 | None, Kines recommended, or LMT |
How to Help Clients Heal After Injuries | 3 | Sinclair | Online | 11/15/2024 | FR 9-12p | $85 | Massage Upper/Lower, Kinesiology Upper/Lower or LMT |
Kinesiolo-Lee DT Meth - G/H to Phalanges | 14 | Lee | Salem | 10/26/2024-10/27/2024 | SA&SU 9a-5p | $350 | Kinesiology-Upper, or LMT |
Kinesiolo-Lee DT Meth - Head to VertColumn | 14 | Lee | Salem | 11/02/2024-11/03/2024 | SA&SU 9a-5p | $350 | Kinesiology-Upper, or LMT |
Kinesiolo-Lee DT Method - Lower Body | 14 | Lee | Salem | 08/03/2024-08/04/2024 | Sat&Sun 9a-5p | $350 | Kinesiology-Lower, or LMT |
Lymphatic Detox Introduction | 9 | Dixon | Portland | 11/15/2024-11/16/2024 | FR 6-9p, SA 10a-5p | $220 | Massage Fundamentals |
Lymphatic Massage for Upper Body | 15 | Dixon | Portland | 08/16/2024-08/18/2024 | FR 6-9p; SA-SU 10a-5p | $380 | Lymph Detox Intro or equivalent |
Massage for End of Life Care | 6 | Casey | Portland | 08/17/2024 | SA 9a-4p | $150 | Massage Fundamentals |
Massage for End of Life Care | 6 | Casey | Portland | 10/19/2024 | SA 9a-4p | $150 | Massage Fundamentals |
Massage for Eye Strain and Upper Body Tension | 7 | Sinclair | Salem | 11/09/2024 | SA 9a-5p | $175 | None |
Massage For Persons With Diabetes | 4 | Mozingo Goodwin | Portland | 08/10/2024 | Sat 12-4pm | $105 | |
Massage For Persons With Diabetes | 4 | Mozingo Goodwin | Portland | 10/05/2024 | Sat 12-4pm | $105 | |
Myofascial Foam Rolling | 7.5 | Dixon | Online | 09/24/2024-10/22/2024 | TU 10-11:30a | $190 | None |
Myofascial Massage - Direct Method | 15 | Dixon | Portland | 08/02/2024-08/04/2024 | FR 6-9p; SA-SU 10a-5p | $375 | Myofascial Intro or instr permission |
Myofascial Massage Introduction | 12 | Dixon | Portland | 11/02/2024-11/03/2024 | SA&SU 10a-5p | $290 | Massage Fundamentals |
On-Site Chair Massage I | 6 | Aguayo | Salem | 07/29/2024 | Mon 10a-5p | $165 | Massage - Fundamentals |
On-Site Chair Massage I | 6 | Aguayo | Salem | 10/28/2024 | Mon 10a-5p | $165 | Massage - Fundamentals |
Pain and Trauma | 3 | Dixon | Online | 08/02/2024 | FR 1-4p | $85 | None |
Pain: Getting Shame Out of Pain | 3 | Dixon | Online | 11/08/2024 | FR 1-4p | $85 | None |
Pain: Moving from Helplessness to Hope | 3 | Dixon | Online | 10/11/2024 | FR 1-4p | $85 | None |
Qigong | 3 | Dixon | Online | 08/23/2024 | FR 1-4p | $85 | None |
Qigong | 3 | Dixon | Online | 11/22/2024 | FR 1-4p | $85 | None |
Reflexology for Women's Health | 4 | Davis | Portland | 10/06/2024 | Su 12-4p | $115 | None |
Reiki Healing | 18 | Knorr | Portland | 08/02/2024-08/04/2024 | FR 6-8p; SA+SU 9a-6p | $450 | None |
Reiki Healing | 18 | Knorr | Portland | 10/25/2024-10/27/2024 | FR 6-8p; SA+SU 9a-6p | $450 | None |
SEO & Social Media for Your Business | 5 | Lee | Salem | 10/19/2024 | SA 9a-3p | $130 | None |
Shamanic Healing | 14 | Knorr | Portland | 08/10/2024-08/11/2024 | Sat-Sun 10am-6pm | $350 | None |
Shiatsu I - Short Form (Back) | 30 | Ward | Portland | 09/23/2024-11/25/2024 | MO 6-9p | $615 | AP 1 (concurrent) or LMT |
Shiatsu II - Short Form (Front) | 30 | Ward | Portland | 09/23/2024-11/25/2024 | MO 1:30-4:30p | $750 | Shiatsu 1 |
Tai Chi for Better Balance | 3 | Dixon | Online | 08/30/2024 | FR 1-4p | $85 | None |
Tai Chi for Better Balance | 3 | Dixon | Online | 11/01/2024 | FR 1-4p | $85 | None |
Community Education Class Schedule
OSM’s Community Education classes offer introductory education to the community and have no prerequisites to attend. These classes are a great introduction to massage techniques and healing touch. We welcome you to contact us with any questions you have about the classes below.
Class | Hours | Instructor | Location | Dates | Days/Times | Price | Prerequisites |
Barefoot Shiatsu Massage | 12 | Ward | Portland | 11/09/2024-11/16/2024 | SA 10a-5p | $370 | None |
Body-Based Trauma Relief | 4 | Dixon | Online | 07/26/2024 | FR 12-4p | $105 | None |
Body-Based Trauma Relief | 4 | Dixon | Online | 10/25/2024 | FR 12-4p | $105 | None |
Craniosacral Therapy Introduction | 15 | Dixon | Portland | 10/11/2024-10/13/2024 | FR 6-9p; SA&SU 10a-5p | $370 | None |
Foot Reflexology Basics | 7 | Butler | Portland | 08/07/2024-08/08/2024 | WE 6:30-9:30p & TH 5:30-9:30p | $195 | None |
Massage Basics | 7.5 | Hueller | Salem | 07/24/2024-08/07/2024 | WE 1:30-4p | $75 | None |
Massage Basics | 7.5 | Feldman | Portland | 07/25/2024-08/08/2024 | TH 9:30a-12p | $75 | None |
Massage Basics | 7.5 | Feldman | Portland | 10/24/2024-11/07/2024 | TH 1:30-4:00p | $75 | None |
Massage Basics | 7.5 | Hueller | Salem | 10/15/2024-10/29/2024 | TU 1:30-4p | $75 | None |
Massage for Eye Strain and Upper Body Tension | 7 | Sinclair | Salem | 11/09/2024 | SA 9a-5p | $175 | None |
Massage For Persons With Diabetes | 4 | Mozingo Goodwin | Portland | 08/10/2024 | Sat 12-4pm | $105 | |
Massage For Persons With Diabetes | 4 | Mozingo Goodwin | Portland | 10/05/2024 | Sat 12-4pm | $105 | |
Pain and Trauma | 3 | Dixon | Online | 08/02/2024 | FR 1-4p | $85 | None |
Qigong | 3 | Dixon | Online | 08/23/2024 | FR 1-4p | $85 | None |
Qigong | 3 | Dixon | Online | 11/22/2024 | FR 1-4p | $85 | None |
Reiki Healing | 18 | Knorr | Portland | 08/02/2024-08/04/2024 | FR 6-8p; SA+SU 9a-6p | $450 | None |
Reiki Healing | 18 | Knorr | Portland | 10/25/2024-10/27/2024 | FR 6-8p; SA+SU 9a-6p | $450 | None |
SEO & Social Media for Your Business | 5 | Lee | Salem | 10/19/2024 | SA 9a-3p | $130 | None |
Shamanic Healing | 14 | Knorr | Portland | 08/10/2024-08/11/2024 | Sat-Sun 10am-6pm | $350 | None |
Tai Chi for Better Balance | 3 | Dixon | Online | 08/30/2024 | FR 1-4p | $85 | None |
Tai Chi for Better Balance | 3 | Dixon | Online | 11/01/2024 | FR 1-4p | $85 | None |
Previous Schedules:
Summer 2024 Print Schedule | Spring 2024 | Winter 2024 | Fall 2023 | Summer 2023 | Spring 2023 | Winter 2023