For several years the Salem campus of Oregon School of Massage has been delighted to exhibit the works of Salem and Willamette Valley artists. Currently on exhibit are over a dozen oil and watercolor paintings done by Nancy Freeman, who we are proud to say happens to also be an OSM student. The paintings include landscapes from throughout the NW and a series from Oaxaca, Mexico. This exhibit will be showing until the end of June; to see more of Nancy’s work you can visit her website

Students, staff and visitors regularly comment on the energy and color that art work brings to the school walls. Comments included:  “Great color combinations!” and “Very evocative and absorbing.” If you are an artist and interested in exhibiting your work contact Jason at OSM: At the end of June we will be looking for new work to display.

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One Response to Willamette Valley Artists at Oregon School of Massage

  1. Nancy Freeman says:

    Dear Ray, Jason, Jack and Rosa,
    I would like to thank you for showing my art work during the last two quarters and for all the publicity that you generated in connection with the show. It is a great way to get some exposure. And for all you artist’s who are connected to the school, I would recommend this opportunity for showing your work and sharing your passion with your classmates and the staff.

    Thank you
