Program Brochure

Thank you for your interest in OSM. Our Admissions staff recognizes that mindful students and massage therapists are self-directed and not responsive to sales pressure. If at any time in researching massage schools you find that not to be true about OSM, we want your feedback.
To receive a response from a staff member regarding your area of interest, and a link to download a PDF of our Program brochure, please complete the *required information below. If you would prefer to have a brochure mailed to you, please complete the optional address information as well.

We look forward to connecting with you soon!

Please complete the form below to receive the Program Brochure from Oregon School of Massage.

OSM does not sell your contact information and respects your privacy. Any information provided is used solely for the purposes of sharing requested information, program opportunities and school related business.


Communication Policy:
We have regard for the information you provide to us; it is not sold, traded or shared with any outside organization. Your information will only be used by OSM. We do not wish to be an unwelcome nuisance, so will generally send 1-3 emails per month and may call on occasion to connect with you or respond to your questions. You may unsubscribe and/or ask not to be contacted at any time.

Self-Care Tip...

Self-Care Tip...

Aromatherapy can work wonders for sleep. Just a couple drops of lavender, clary sage or chamomile can provide a more restful sleep and improve your dream recall.
Give This a Try...

Give This a Try...

Smiling is a two-way mechanism. We do it when we’re relaxed and happy, but doing it can also make us feel relaxed and happy. Read more >> 
Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Bob Hope, who lived to be 100, had daily massage as part of his health regimen?