By Ray Siderius, Director, OSM
At Oregon School of Massage we marvel at the stories our students tell about how they chose to study and practice massage. These same stories may be of interest to others in the OSM community as well as prospective students. We will have several segments for some as we follow them through training and/or their careers. We include stories of some who have chosen to move on to other careers. This posting will serve as a guide to some of those stories. Check back occasionally; we will add a new story every month or so. See names and links below. When you see a “tag” at the end of the post click on it and it will take you to other entries about that person.
• Wendy McKee, 2010 graduate
• Jason Minnix, 2010 graduate
• Dana Highfill, 2009 graduate
• Shauna Sonoda, 2004 graduate
• Rosa Leonardi, current student
• Julie Pihl, current student