“Massage Connections” at Oregon School of Massage

On Monday evening, July 25th, Portland acupuncturist Elizabeth Zenger, Ph.D, L.Ac., introduced 30 Portland area massage therapists and students to Interface Touch, a skill developed by Zero Balancing (ZB) practitioners. Dr. Zenger presented some background information on Zero Balancing, which was developed by osteopathic physician and surgeon Fritz Frederick Smith, M.D. Dr Smith also studied Rolfing, yoga, acupuncture and a variety of other disciplines; hence, the work serves as a bridge between Eastern and Western philosophies.

Using sensory scanning, touch and movement the ZB therapist locates tension areas, creates fulcrums and then moves or positions the body allowing the recipient’s body to organize itself in a balanced way. Gentle and non-invasive, ZB is performed with the client lying face up and fully clothed on a treatment table; it is an effective way for evaluating and balancing the relationship between the body energy and body structure. ZB is a skill as well as a therapy modality, and can be combined with other methods.*

Dr. Zenger’s presentation included a guided meditation, drawing attention to energy patterns in the body and a variety of sensing and touch exercises. The touch exercises were related to various ways of touching, one of which is “Interface Touch.” Interface Touch is touch contact which creates connection while still maintaining a clear sense of boundaries between self and other. Zenger was assisted by T. J. Ford, LMT. The session included Zenger and Ford demonstrating Interface Touch and simple ZP technique on each person.

Elizabeth Zenger, Ph.D., L.Ac., is a Zero Balancer and Five Element acupuncturist in private practice in Northwest Portland since 2001. She is currently training to become certified as a Zero Balancing Teacher. She facilitates a local Zero Balancing study group, and mentors ZB certification candidates. For additional information, or to contact Elizabeth, go to: www.innerworksacupuncture.com
T. J. Ford, LMT, is a Portland massage therapist and Certified Zero Balancer. She can be reached at:  www.sophrosfitness.com

(This presentation was one of the Oregon School of Massage “Massage Connections” series. To receive notice of these monthly presentations contact Alexis Reale at: ar@oregonschoolofmassage.com)

*Some of this information about ZB was found in Discovering The Body’s Wisdom, by Mirka Knaster. Knaster’s book is an excellent guide to a large number of mind-body practices.

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4 Responses to Interface Touch: A Skill from Zero Balancing

  1. Jamie Carmody says:

    ZB is a fantastic technique which allows the practitioner to refine their touch in a meaningful way. I highly recommend ZB for anyone both as a receiver and a giver. Working with energy through structure is fantastic!

  2. Jamie Carmody says:

    ZB is a fantastic technique which allows the practitioner to refine their touch in a meaningful way. I highly recommend ZB for anyone both as a receiver and a giver. Working with energy through structure is fantastic!

  3. Liz Zenger says:

    My thanks to OSM and everyone who attended the workshop for creating this opportunity for me to share ideas and techniques from this wonderful bodywork system.

    Donkey leans to all!

  4. Liz Zenger says:

    My thanks to OSM and everyone who attended the workshop for creating this opportunity for me to share ideas and techniques from this wonderful bodywork system.

    Donkey leans to all!
