UPDATED: 6.13.22

Hi OSM Staff,

After conferring with many of you and numerous instructors, we are deciding to waive the previous OSM policy of requiring students to have a covid vaccination. Effective immediately we are removing the policy that students be required to be vaccinated against Covid-19. We do still recommend that all individuals be vaccinated. This change in Oregon School of Massage policy does include the following provisions:

Instructors in in-person classes have the option to require all students to wear a mask. Further, any individual involved in classroom or other activity at Oregon School of Massage, experiences Covid-19 or related symptoms, they need to identify themselves and not participate in the classroom or other activity at OSM.
This policy will be reviewed periodically in light of ongoing medical science.

If you have any questions please contact me.

Ray Siderius, President
Oregon School of Massage

